Welcome to my Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forest blog!

Thank you for your interest in the Cameron Tract! My name is Joanie Schmidgall. I am a Master of Forestry student at Oregon State University. During my time at OSU, I will be helping to facilitate a revitalization of management activity on the Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forest. I have created this blog to highlight the mission of the Cameron Tract as a demonstration forest showcasing innovative forestry practices aimed at small non-industrial forest owners. Please frequently check my blog for updates on management activity throughout the summer.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A July update!

Things are happening on the Cameron Tract!

Road construction on the lower road of the tract will begin sometime after July 23. This will allow for the extraction of the timber from the pole sale. During the construction, the road known as the Fire House Trail will be closed. There will be signs warning of the construction as it occurs and we ask that people not attempt to access that area of Cameron Tract at that time. Please email me at joan.schmidgall@oregonstate.edu with questions or concerns.

The trees that will be cut and sold for poles will also be marked within the next month. There will be two field trips aimed at the Oregon Small Woodlands Association in August to check out this process. These will also be opened to the greater public as a educational opportunity. Details will be posted on the blog as dates are set.

Here is a map of the Cameron Tract project area: