Welcome to my Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forest blog!

Thank you for your interest in the Cameron Tract! My name is Joanie Schmidgall. I am a Master of Forestry student at Oregon State University. During my time at OSU, I will be helping to facilitate a revitalization of management activity on the Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forest. I have created this blog to highlight the mission of the Cameron Tract as a demonstration forest showcasing innovative forestry practices aimed at small non-industrial forest owners. Please frequently check my blog for updates on management activity throughout the summer.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Photos from the October 12 work party

Saturday, October 12 was the second volunteer trail building work party on the Cameron Tract. We had an even larger turn out then the previous work day with over 20 hard working and sweaty trail diggers! Having dug nearly 800 feet of the proposed 1600 foot trail last week, our goal was to get the tread of the trail nearly completed which we accomplished with time to spare! Given the number of volunteers, the total hours for the two work days combined with time spent laying out and designing the trail, Douglas Pereira, the volunteer coordinator with the College Forests estimates 150 man hours on the ground at the Cameron Tract thus far. It is such an awesome feat to accomplish all this with a army of mostly volunteers from Oregon State University and the greater Corvallis Community! Photos were taken by myself, Douglas Pereia and Elsa Gustavson.

Isaac Daniels, trail building extraordinaire,
 shows us all how it's done!

Adrian, a first year grad student in forestry, works that Pulaski like a boss!

We had quite a diverse range of volunteers from high school students and undergrads to graduate students and members of the public

A before picture of the bottom of the trail right before it hit the landing near the firehouse road
And an after picture at the end of the day!

Hiking out!

I want to personally thank everyone who has helped make this project a reality! You have contributed, not just to building a trail, but to the legacy of the Cameron Tract. The mission of this demonstration forest at Oregon State will undoubtedly continue for years to come. Your volunteer hours and efforts are invaluable. Thank you!

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